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Super Zeolite Powder
Contents: 200g micronised infopathic®
informed zeolite Micronised zeolite is known for it's absorptive capacity due to the
special quartz structures. What means
infopathic®? This zeolite is additionally informed in a protected procedure...
200 g
* / 100 g)
Zeolite Powder
Contents: 200g micronised
zeolite Micronised zeolite is known for it's absorptive capacity due to the
special quartz structures. Recommended Use: To eliminate unpleasant odours in rooms: Place several bowls filled
with zeolite powder, as...
200 g
* / 1000 g)
Zeolite Powder (+)
Contents: 100g micronised zeolite enriched with horsetail-powder Now packed in a 100g glass
container Micronised zeolite is known for it's absorptive capacity due to the
special quartz structures. Recommended Use: To eliminate unpleasant...
100 g
* / 1000 g)